Let me introduce myself, MrMarrant, I'm in my twenties, I'm finishing my last year of a Master's degree in Computer Science and I currently consider myself as a Full Stack Web and Mobile developer.
I started out studying medicine, and life being very strange at times, I ended up doing web work by day, and mods with clowns the night.
I mainly create mods and other small creations in my spare time, mainly for Garry's Mod.
But due to my professional activities, I also create a few websites, both backend and frontend.
SCP-235 appear to be shellac phonograph records of the type commonly produced in the late 1920s. Each record contains a different song. Its main effect is to stop in time all nearby entities whenever the record "skips".
Web site realized in PHP in order to display my various contacts and realized projects. I use the symfony framework, it is obvious that I could have realized this website without using the language and the framework, but I intend in a near future to use it for other features.
A site created and maintained as part of my business project, which mainly consists of managing projects and all the stages that go with them (signatures, reports, participants, budget), as well as several other modules such as vacations, invoicing and mission orders.
This application allows you to retrieve points of interest on a map of a departement and observe various events and other important places with their detailed descriptions.
Aegis Infection is designed to simulate a zombie infection. The addon is highly configurable via a menu accessed through a command. Users can change the models of the infected players based on their job. You can specify which jobs or models are immune to infection and edit basics statistics.
SCRAMBLEs are NVG goggles that (in theory) censor the face of the SCP-096 object. A black 3D element will appear in place of SCP-096's face. The SCRAMBLE adapts to the entity's model that are defined on a default list.
The entity is therefore the porcelain mask, When a player is close to it, visual effects appear on the screen, a tv static effect, as well as text that should be interpreted as the entity trying to talk to nearby players.